クイズ謎解きミステリー - 4択推理クイズ
OS :
Version :1.0.2
Size :121.72Mb
Updated :Jan 6,2020
Developer :MASK APP LLC
Ask AI
You can ask the AI some questions about the game
Here are three topics that gamers might discuss on the internet: 1. Game updates and patches Will the latest update fix the bugs in the game? 2. Community interactions and role-playing How do players typically interact with each other in this game? 3. Game mechanics and balance Is the game's difficulty level balanced for all players?
Q1Game updates and patchesAsk AI
Q2Will the latest update fix the bugs in the game?Community interactions and role-playingAsk AI
Q3How do players typically interact with each other in this game?Ask AI
Pros and Cons from users' feedback
Based on the user reviews, here are the top 3 cons and pros:
1Too many ads and in-app purchases pop up frequently.
2Crashes and freezes frequently, causing frustration and loss of progress.
3Lacks clarity on game mechanics and instructions, leading to confusion.
1Engaging gameplay and addictive puzzle-solving keeps me coming back.
2Simple yet challenging levels that require strategic thinking and problem-solving.
3Constant updates with new content and features keep the game fresh and exciting.

Note: The reviews are in Japanese, so I've translated them to English based on the available translations. The results may not be exact representations of the original reviews.
Based on the user reviews, here are the top 3 cons and pros: **Cons:** 1. "Too many ads and in-app purchases pop up frequently." (15 words) 2. "Crashes and freezes frequently, causing frustration and loss of progress." (15 words) 3. "Lacks clarity on game mechanics and instructions, leading to confusion." (15 words) **Pros:** 1. "Engaging gameplay and addictive puzzle-solving keeps me coming back." (15 words) 2. "Simple yet challenging levels that require strategic thinking and problem-solving." (15 words) 3. "Constant updates with new content and features keep the game fresh and exciting." (15 words) Note: The reviews are in Japanese, so I've translated them to English based on the available translations. The results may not be exact representations of the original reviews.
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